Monday, September 27, 2010

Excuses! Excuses! Excuses!

For the life of me I don't understand how people make so many excuses for the way they are. Especially young people. They love to blame the parents for the mistakes that they made. Or the father for leaving them when they were young. The fact that they grew up poor or had less than they wanted. Sometimes the excuse is that they were picked on as a child or else there is the classic "this world doesn't care nothing about me!" Whatever the excuse, whether color, culture, race, education level, or whatever, an excuse is an excuse. You can not blame the world or anyone in it for the way that you are.

Sure some people had it rougher than others money wise or in some way or another. But that does not give those who have it hard an excuse to act like animals. Some young people start selling drugs in the name of "nobody is gonna give a person like me a job" or "nobody wants to help the black man or the asian or latino, etc" But this is a load of garbage! Look around you, there are many people from "minority" groups, from broken homes, who have physical defects, and many other problems who are doing well. And there are also people from good homes, who had both parents around and everything going for them, who do stupid things and destroy their life. So circumstances do not make us. Our decisions make us. We can decide to do good or do wrong. It is in our hand. Stop looking for a scapegoat to blame for your life. It's not your parents fault, it's not the police or the government or the teachers fault or your ex-girlfriend or anyone elses fault that you are who you are or that you have done what you have done. If you are in a bad situation today, don't blame anyone but youself. It's your fault.

You have to decide to change. You have to decide to live. Decide to have better and do better. Your life is in your hands. No more excuses!!!


  1. This is so true. It's so much easier for all humans to just blame something/someone for the way they are, for what the have & what they don't have. But to actually do something about their situation it takes action, only the brave decide to stand up for themselves! This is something we always need to be aware of, excuses don't make us they brake us! In the end we choose our life like you said! Thanks for the message!

  2. Be who you want, just stop excusing yourself. Don’t hide behind everyone! Do something….. I did and I have a new life… And if you need help, ask Jesus and he will give you the strength.

  3. This reminds me of one of the first messages I heard in the vyg, if we keep on making excuses we wont get anywhere and we are the ones who will suffer! At the end of the day its our life. Nobody can live it for us so we have to make something of it.

  4. What caught my attention was these simple words'So circumstances do not make us. Our decisions make us'- I have used many excuses as a scapegoat to blame for the way my life was, I looked to everyone and everything else except me. I was not to blame yet while making excuses I was not making my life any better but was in fact making it worse, my complacency produced more problems that solutions. Excuses dont change our life its certainly the decisions good or bad that we take that will make a difference in our life

  5. I agree completely. In life we tend to make excuses for the way we are, but we have to take responsibility for our lives. It our life to live so we have to live it to the best.
