Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Video Highlights of my France book tour

Sorry about the video quality. It had to be converted quite a few times. But you should be able to see everything.

Leave your comments.


  1. Awesome. The guys are really good.
    I love it.

  2. c'était fort véritablement, ce fût une bénédiction pour nous, et un exemple d'espoir, beaucoup de jeune on eu une nouvelle vision ou on prie une décision; cette venue en france à fait un impact pour la FJF , merci mon DIEU et merci Pasteur Damien et votre épouse pour votre disposition. Vina photographe French lol

    it was really hard, it was a blessing to us, and an example of hope, many young we had a new vision and we pray a decision and the arrival in France to make an impact for the FJF, thank you and my GOD and Pastor Damien thank you and your wife for you. Vina French photographer lol

  3. magnifique évenement !

  4. Wow, that's so cool! What program did you use to do the intro?
