Monday, September 10, 2012

The Cost

The cost of victory is sacrifice.

The cost of good health is exercise and healthy eating.

The cost of salvation is faith and total surrender. 

The cost to be a loser...

Do nothing.

O preço

O preço da vitória é o sacrifício.

O preço de uma boa saúde são exercícios e uma alimentação saudável.

O preço da salvação é a fé e a entrega total.

O preço para ser um perdedor...

Não faça nada.


  1. Muito forte,com uma palavra desta não tem como não fazer nada.Não da pra continuar parado.

  2. Good day Pr Damien,

    Welcome to South Africa, we can't wait for the 27th of October 2012...Apology accepted about the misconception, God created a beautiful place here & we do have lions, elephants, giraffes (the big five) but they are in what we call national parks(zoo).lol

    But we sadly have youth that are currently going through what you went through and your history will help them a lot.

    God bless you & please feel at home!

  3. I agree every thing has a price even if your thursty and want a cup od soda pop there is a price to pay, for people to have a great carrer and get paid well, years of sacrificing goes along with that, hours of studing wakinging up early etc.. and yes there is a Price to pay daily to maintain your salvation.
