Friday, September 7, 2012

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

To all of you who follow this blog, I have something very simple to say to you.

Life is not full of flowers and cupcakes everyday. Life has a tendency of throwing some good, some bad, and some downright ugly things at us.

So when you are having a good day... Be thankful, but also prepared. Because not everyday will be that way.

When you are having a bad day... Be patient, because tomorrow will come, and it will be better.

And when you're having a downright ugly day... Be strong, because character is made in moments of difficulty.

Fight against every thought that tries to convince you to live by how you feel. Feelings come and go, but determination breaks through the good, the bad and the ugly.

O bom, o mau e o feio

Para todos vocês que seguem meu blog, eu tenho algo muito simples para lhes dizer.

A vida não é cheia de flores e cupcakes todos os dias. A vida tende a apresentar coisas boas, coisas ruins e algumas coisas terrivelmente feias para nós.

Então quando você estiver tendo um dia bom... Seja grato, mas também esteja preparado. Porque não vai ser assim todos os dias.

Quando você estiver tendo um dia ruim... Seja paciente, porque amanhã vai chegar, e vai ser melhor.

E quando você estiver tendo um dia terrivelmente feio... Seja forte, porque o caráter é moldado em momentos de dificuldade.

Lute contra todo pensamento que tenta te convencer de viver pelo que você sente. Sentimentos vêm e vão, mas a determinação ultrapassa o bom, o ruim e o feio.


  1. Pastor, I was real close of just passing over your post on Facebook with the link to this blog...but the Holy Spirit told me it would be foolish in that instant. And He was right.
    Recently I've been having some 'down right ugly' days and I know that this blog is the Holy Spirit speaking through you to tell me to be STRONG. And even though it might look foolish to those around me for me to even remain strong and not just give in to the situation, I will remain

    Because my God says I AM STRONG.

    Thank you for the humble reminder, Pastor. God bless you and may He continue to use you to save souls in Jesus name, amen

  2. Very true, lets be warriors
    Warriors don't live by emotion, they fight!!!

  3. Very true, if we live by emotions we are not going to be different. We are going to be the same as others. Evey day that passes can be different and it can turn out to be better.
